Project Description
Our goal was to find a way in order to further improve the current status of our school's community service system. Initially, students would bring stacks of paper to the librarian which would be logged in and recorded manually, creating a very cumbersome and slow environment. By creating an application to computerize the entire system of community service in CV, we hoped that both the paperwork and the time involved in the process would drastically decrease.

The Community Service Logger works in order to allow both students to log in hours and supervisors to approve these hours. When a student first enters the website, they can sign up as a user. After signing up, the individual can log in hours, providing both the number of hours of service they completed and the email of the supervisor. Provided that the correct email was given, the supervisor will then be notified by the website that they have pending hours to review. The individual in question can then log onto the website, create an account as a supervisor, and either approve or deny the student's proposal. The student will then be able to track his hours of completed service directly on the site.
This application was coded using Ruby on Rails and was coded on the free Cloud9 development environment provided by Amazon Web Services.

As time passes, we hope to add the finishing touches to our project. We hope to include a more comprehensive admin page for individuals looking to oversee the day to day proceedings of the website, and we also are trying to provide more details for staff members at Crescenta Valley High School to use, such as the number of seniors on the website and the number of accumulated hours of service obtained by all the students. Additionally, we are also planning to further decorate the website to make it look more appealing to students and supervisors alike. Our first trial will most likely be to introduce our projects to incoming freshman summer school students with the hopes that they will help further improve the website and make it completely ready for the upcoming school year.