Project Description
All businesses have ample reason to transition their business online to as great of an extent as possible; without online presence, customers are less likely to purchase products, paper is wasted, and in a post-pandemic world, any non-digital transaction can pose health and safety risks. The Glendale Educational Foundation had been conducting their registration process without the aid of e-commerce based solutions, and encountered some of these issues. We were asked to help bring their registration system online, integrating with their tried-and-tested system to ensure a smooth transition for both the customers and the service providers.
This project simplifies the process of signing up for summer school at GEF. It allows the customer to browse summer school courses, sign up, and pay securely with paypal integration. Features include: - Payment plan integration with Federal Free/ Reduced Lunch program - Secure payment integration with Paypal - Smart shopping carts with ability to edit orders before confirming - Admin view for administrators to edit, manage, and view orders - Ability to export data to Excel-readable format for backup and sharing purposes - Ability to create, delete, and edit the description of classes offered through the admin interface

This project simplifies the process of signing up for summer school at GEF. It allows the customer to browse summer school courses, sign up, and pay securely with paypal integration. Features include: - Payment plan integration with Federal Free/ Reduced Lunch program - Secure payment integration with Paypal - Smart shopping carts with ability to edit orders before confirming - Admin view for administrators to edit, manage, and view orders - Ability to export data to Excel-readable format for backup and sharing purposes - Ability to create, delete, and edit the description of classes offered through the admin interface